Wednesday, October 23, 2019

VAR (Estimates variance based on a sample for Statistical Purpose)

What Does It Do?

This function calculates the sample population variance of a list of values.
A sample population is used when the list of values represents a sample of a population.


=VAR(Range1,Range2,Range3 through to Range30)


No special formatting is needed.


The table below was used by a company interested in buying a new machine to pack washing powder.
Three machines were short listed and allow to run for a day.
At the end of the day four boxes of soap powder were picked at random from the production of each machine.
The boxes were weighed and the =VAR() function used as these boxes only represented a sample of the complete days production.
The machine with the smallest variance was the most consistent.

Explanation of formula:

This finds the lowest value.                                =MIN(H4:H6)
This finds the position of the lowest value.         =MATCH(MIN(H4:H6),H4:H6,0)
This looks down the Machine column to             =INDEX(C4:C6,MATCH(MIN(H4:H6),H4:H6,0))
find the machine name.

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