Monday, January 27, 2020

ISERR (Returns TRUE if the value is any error value except #N/A)

What Does It Do?
This function tests a cell and shows TRUE if there is an error value in the cell.
It will show FALSE if the contents of the cell calculate without an error, or if the error is the #NA message.
The CellToTest can be a cell reference or a calculation.
No special formatting is needed.
The following tables were used by a publican to calculate the cost of a single bottle of champagne, by dividing the cost of the crate by the quantity of bottles in the crate.
Table 1 shows what happens when the value zero 0 is entered as the number of bottles.
The #DIV/0 indicates that an attempt was made to divide by zero 0, which Excel does not do.

Table 2 shows how this error can be trapped by using the =ISERR() function.

ISERROR (Returns TRUE if the value is any error value)

What Does It Do?
This function tests a cell or calculation to determine whether an error has been generated.
It will show TRUE for any type of error and FALSE if no error is found.
The CellToTest can be a cell reference or a formula.
No special formatting is needed.
The following tables was used to calculate the difference between two dates.

Table 1 shows an error due to the fact that the first entry was entered using an inappropriate date format.

Table 2 shows how the =ISERROR() function has been used to trap the error and inform the user that there has been an error in the data entry.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

ISEVEN (Returns TRUE if the number is even)

What Does It Do?
This function tests a number to determine whether it is even.
An even number is shown as TRUE an odd number is shown as FALSE.
Note that decimal fractions are ignored.
Note that dates can be even or odd.
Note that text entries result in the #VALUE! error.
No special formatting is needed.

ISLOGICAL (Returns TRUE if the value is a logical value)

What Does It Do?
This function tests a cell to determine whether the cell contents are logical.
The logical values can only be TRUE or FALSE.
If the cell does contain a logical value, the result TRUE is shown.
If the cell does not contain a logical value, the result FALSE is shown.
No special formatting is needed.